Wondering About God?

The most important decision we make in this life is where we'll spend our eternal life. When we have made that choice, we're not only prepared to die, we're finally prepared to live! Spiritual life is not just “religion” - it’s a relationship with God!

Two great moments in our lives are when we are born and when we discover why we were born. We were created for a reason, a divine purpose. Our lives are not accidents or fate. God has a personal plan for each of us. His purpose in our lives can only be accomplished because of Jesus Christ.

Life has only two roads, and we are on one of them. One leads to death and punishment, the other to everlasting life.

Jesus Christ taught that every person will exist for eternity. The apostle Paul wrote to the Roman Christians: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) He also taught that being saved from sin's penalty is simple: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9, 10)

We all know in our hearts that we have sinned. Even if we have never read a Bible or do not understand what it means to sin against God, we can know we are sinners, because God created each of us with a conscience. We know what we don't want others to do to us. We don't want them to steal our possessions, lie about us, or be unkind to us. When we do to someone what we don't want done to us, our conscience lets us know we have done wrong.

The penalty for sin is death. That is why all people die. But 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ the holy Son of God became a man. For 33 years He lived without sin. Then He was killed; He paid the penalty for sin without committing the crime, so death had no power over Him. And after three days, He came back to life again.

He is alive! And now He offers forgiveness of sin and the gift of everlasting life to everyone who will ask Him.

God loves you very much and He would like nothing more than for you to become a follower of His son, Jesus. It's not hard. In fact, there is nothing you can do to earn salvation. Jesus has done the work for you by dying on the cross for your sins. No matter what you have done, Jesus wants to make you a new person. All you have to do is ask Him.

You can receive Christ as your Savior right now, this moment! You can pray wherever you are. God is listening. You can tell Him in your own words that you are sorry for your sins and that you want Jesus to become the leader of your life, to make you a new person, and to guide and shape you from this moment on. Then thank God for loving you enough to not give up on you, but to make your salvation possible through His son, Jesus Christ. Or you can pray the following prayer:

“God, I know I have sinned. I believe Your Son, Jesus Christ, died to take the punishment for my sin. I believe Jesus came back to life from death and has the power to forgive my sin and change my life. Forgive me. Come into my life and change me. I want to live for You and follow Your plan for my life. I believe You have forgiven me, and I thank You for hearing my prayer, in Jesus' name.”

If you prayed this prayer and meant it from your heart, God has forgiven you. Now you can begin the life He has planned for you! Step by step, God will lead you to what He has chosen for you. He will show you the way to live and will teach you each day as you grow and become the person He planned for you to be.

There are three things you can do to help build your faith:

  1. Pray every day (just talk to God like you would your best friend.

  2. Read the Bible every day (you can start with one of the Gospels, like John).

  3. Get involved in a local church (God intended for us to help one another as we lead a Christian life).

One of a person's greatest needs in life is to be part of a family. This is also true in your new life in Christ. You need to become part of a church. A church is a group of people following Jesus just as you are. You need to join in worshiping God with other Christians. You will grow spiritually stronger in a church, because the church is a spiritual family, and your spiritual brothers and sisters will encourage you and help you grow. Pray and ask God to guide you to the church where you should belong. You need to be part of a church where salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is preached and a church where the Bible is believed, taught and obeyed. If you do not have a church, and live in the Fairbanks area, we invite you to visit us. We have many areas of ministry that will help you as you take this next step in following Jesus. God bless you!

If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we want to praise God and rejoice with you!
We hope you find these links helpful in discovering what it it means to have a relationship with God:

How to Follow Christ - FollowChrist.ag.org

Who Is God and Who Am I - God.net

A Letter From God - God.net