Children’s Ministry

... we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.
— Psalm 78:4b (NLT)

Jubilee Worship Center is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus with the next generation and teaching His truths in a fun, kid-friendly way. That’s what our kid’s ministry program (KidsMin) is all about! Our mission is to guide each child to discover Christ’s love personally so they will always understand what is most important. All of our workers and volunteers have undergone screening and training to provide a safe, supportive environment for your child.

young children dancing and singing with adult leader


We offer nursery care for babies and toddlers, aged 0-36 months, during Sunday worship service. We have a safe, loving, and fun environment to care for your little ones while you enjoy the adult worship service.

Children’s Service

For children aged 3-10 years old, we offer an exciting and encouraging children’s experience, during Sunday worship service. Children will learn how to study the Bible and build quality friendships with other kids and adult leaders.